Yellow Raincoat or Turin Shroud? The Solingen Knive Attacks Psy-Op level

Published on 29 August 2024 at 23:30

On Wednesday, August 21 news about the TURIN SHROUD made its round. It then was followed by A.I. created images on "how Jesus really might have looked like", as the news were RE-establishing the scientific opinion the shroud must date back to Jesus times, and so maybe it could be indeed the linen Jesus had been burried in. 

On Friday, August 23 around 11 p.m. GMT, an "arabic looking man" knived down 11 people (3 died, 8 heavily hurt) at a citizens festival in Solingen,Germany, while comemorating it's 650th year of existence (6+5+0=11).

Interestingly enough the Turin Shroud had been popped up in the middle of the 14th century in Europe, - only around 24 years earlier than Solingen`city founding in 1374.


Now the city of Solingen has 2 swords in it`s crest and the official byname is "Klingenstadt! aka "City of Blades". 

The city of Solingen is the center of the German cutlery industry; companies from Solingen are world leaders, particularly in the production of blades. Around 90 percent of German cutlery and cutlery manufacturers are based in Solingen!

Even the Festival`s logo even showed the knive! 



On Sunday evening, August 25, the suspected killer turned him self in - he was found in a backyard, close to the crime scene, his CLOTHES DIRTY AND BLOODY, allegedly with the words: "I AM THE ONE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR".

This sounded pretty biblical to me. Too biblical.

An "arabic looking" man. The dirty and bloody clothes, "I AM THE ONE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR". 

A backyard compares to the open grave. They even found his mobile phone and tablet under a manhole cover  - to me the round(?) form reminds me of the big round tumbstone rolled away from Jesus`grave.


So I thought it might be interesting to see if there maybe is a deeper level of medial programming going on here.

Because: How comes we compare the alleged SON OF GOD with a MURDERER?

OK, they had a murderer besides him on the other cross next to him, but is there maybe more to it? Are both depicted here all over the media as TWO SIDES OF A COIN?

The pictures of the suspect published first were really unrecognizable similar to that picture of a man on the shroud.

The suspect could be seen only as a shadow, hidden behind A COAT and SHIELDED by the officers next to him. Turns out, his wallet containing his PASSPORT had been found already bedofe near the crime scene: He had left it in the JACKET he had thrown away during his fleeing from the scene. (Similar to similar events we had seen before in the U.S. , including 9.11..) And the Police had it, at least since Saturday! So they knew whom they were looking for. Despite this, his foto was NOT published until they had him under arrest, instead two other persons connected to him, among them a 15 year old boy, were arrested. So why they didn`t show his face now that they had him caught?


On Monday, August 26, when the story of the suspect attacker`s arrest made the headlines, another news made it to the top as well: former Soccer coach CHRISTOPH DAUM had died. He once was even nominated to be the nation coach for GERMANY, but stumbeled over allegiations of cocaine use and a press conference where he insisted to proof his aboslut "innocence" by donating some of his hair to the forensic microscopic test, which thereafter showed them drugs. Which is also a symbolic link to the Turin Shroud: The microscopic tests of fabric and fibers. (The fabric of reality?) And his name, which also could be translated as "Christ off Thumb": The Turin Shroud shows a man WITHOUT THUMBS!


Also before his arrest: the ISIS was reclaiming the deed as from one of their "SOLDIERS". The video send from ISIS must have been created very close to the crime scene: Proof gives an ad poster on a wall of a house. It says: "The naked truth" (sic).

And you cannot invent it: BOTH reports - the one on the TURIN SHROUD and the one on the ISIS claims - showed each object of interest laid out in large hung up on the wall in a retangular shape in order to "study" them well: The Turin Shroud and the "letter of confession" from ISIS, as if to plant a next link between the two into the viewer`s minds.!

Also the names "Jesus" and "ISIS" are very close in sound, so is also the name of the suspect: "ISSA (al Hassan)"!

The news articles write about on how he was attacking Christians and the local churches offered "emergency pastoral care" for the people already on the same evening of Friday. 


Both names contain 2 "S". SSSSolingen Crest contains 2 Swords. Solingen most famous Metal band is ACCEPT. One could see also the tram lines ("S-Bahn") on the festival poster as two intervened serpents.

And at the same(!) weekend, Aeon Byte Radio published a Radio Interview on the Sabbatean Kabbalah (I had time to listen to it only this week), were the interviewed guest JON WINDER said: "The word MOSHIACH or MESSIAH has the same gematria or numerical value as the word NAKASH or SERPENT which is 358".

So is the whole situation depicting this truth?

Already in the number I see 3 and 8: 3 died and 8 hurt. But what is with the 5? I guess it maybe has to do with the Virtruvian Man - or the man in the middle and a hint that the face on the TURIN SHROUD shows a photograph of the face of Leonardo da Vinci himself(!) as further described in LYNN PICKNETT & CLIVE PRINCE - "Turin Shroud In Whose Image How Leonardo da Vinci fooled History".




If the Serpent topic is so important, there more serpent must be found I concluded.

And see and behold Wednesday brough further news about the female victim: 56 year old Ines W. (whole name: Ines Wallusch). "Wallusch" comes from Valentine - "strong and HEALTHY".

And she had been a pharmacist! The known symbol of pharmacy is the red serpent! And also the local pharmacist`s organisation mopurning her death uses it. They use the acronym AKNR (Apothekenkammer Nordrhein), which reminds me to ANKH via Anker (Achor) somehow. The anchor is also part of the city's crest. Two "snakes" from one metal tree.

Also her name INES WALLUSCH bears information: INES W - an annagram for S WINE. (Not only refers to the name of city SOLINGEN, coming from SCHWEINESUHLE - SWINE`S WALLOW!) but does it refer also to a "SNAKE WINE"?

The crest of the city`s part where the festival was held (area Wald) also shows two intervened serpents!

It didn`t further help to cool my mind to listen to the podcast interview with Dr. Ammon Hillman on Tuesday, where he talks about Jesus allegedly having used snake poison in the Garden of Gethsemane pushed into his blood.

UPDATE: There were also news about victim Stephan S., newspaper Rheinische Post reported he was head of the Culture Club COBRA ! You can't make this up!

Focus reported he worked for the local Chalkcompany, their logo consists of 2 red arrows facing each other and such forming a ring. Their website shows an owl.

Reporting about the victims doesn't mean i do not feel sorry for them. May they rest in peace.


During the knive attack a band was playing on stage right at the crime scene: SUZAN KÖCHERS SUPERFON. The Dreampop band already had arrived at their second last song for the evening, when the attack happened . I cannot find out which song this was, but we have a few candidates: BLOOD RED WINE for example. Or the one they had published only a month before the stabbing happened, called: "SEVENTEEN"? Interestingly, besides their depiction for the festival`s concert in total RED?, and their album called "POISONOUS IVY", they have the following album cover: the four members of the band, one of them female (Suzan) in front of two crosses (one is missing?), maybe also a Golgatha and ressurrection link?

First they thought one other male hurt victim of the stabbings wouldn`t make it, which would have made - like the 4 band members - one female and three male victims. But almost a miracle: he survived. The other victims, who died were Stephan S. (67) and Florian H.(56).



In closing I want to show how the revealing of the suspect attacker happened in the media: Step by step we came to see the man behind the bloody deed, more and more parts of his face were published, following by one picture where he again was depicted behind a veil. And then one photo, which allegedly was taken right after the deed, where we see him in a yellow rain coat, leaning on a bus window. The wet, bloody, yellow rain coat - or again a hint to the TURIN SHROUD?

AAAHH and today I see where will have MASSIVE ATTACK and our MUSE will have their concert next week? 


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